It's clear that Electronic Medical Records are the future of medicine. So much so that the government has offered incentives to medical professionals who adapt their practices to some kind of Medical E-Records. But the truth is, the cost can be prohibitive, which makes many physicians look to leasing EMR software (or financing Medical E-Record software.) And it takes an equipment financing company who specializes in financing EHR software (and similar) to make that possible.
Crest Capital has been financing EMR software since it was introduced. And unlike many banks, we understand the need to finance EMR software, and as such, we offer all manner of EHR software leasing. Bottom line – we have the experience and the track record to handle all of your Medical e-record software leasing needs (whether you call it EMR or EHR). With fast approvals, great rates, and our simple "one form, that's all" application process, Crest Capital is ready to serve your EMR software financing needs. Contact Crest Capital today.
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