If your retail or convenience store brings in lots of cash, a currency counter can save you valuable time and eliminate the need to manually count bills. These point of sale machines have many automated features to prevent bills from sticking together, detect counterfeits, and more. As such, money counters are available in many different models. Crest Capital recognizes "time" saved means more money for your business, and has a variety of point of sale equipment leasing options, including currency counter financing, to fit your needs.
In fact, Crest Capital has offered point of sale equipment leasing and currency counter financing for nearly 20 years. Because of our expertise and know-how, we can help you finance currency counters faster than you can count a stack of twenties. With our simple application process, great rates, and quick turn around time, you'll get your currency counter financing within a few hours (not days.) Contact Crest Capital today and get started.
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